Lionel Morel - Research


I’m (a little) sick of online bibliography management systems. I don’t want to rely on google … dblp is not really updating data quickly (ok, that’s a mild argument) … and even our national HAL system mixes some publications of an homonym into my own list, a problem which I have recently abandoned to try to solved.

Instead, I will (sporadically) update a pdf file with a sorted list of my publications.

Research topics

In the large, I’m interested in Compilation, Programming Languages and Runtime Support (including Operating Systems), Security, and “Low-Level” software activities (link with hardware, etc).

Current Activities

Recently, I’ve started to work within the newly created Phénix team where we are interested in re-designing operating systems and programming languages for addressing so-called frugality: the idea is that society cannot expect to keep increasing computing power indefinitely. Instead, we should try to think smaller (far smaller). Phénix tries to answer a broad question that can be posted as “How do we build minimalist computing systems that fulfill some desirable functionality?” [by desirable, we mean, eg wikipedia, but not video streaming 🙂 ]

If you’re interested, we have written a draft scientific project that can be downloaded here (in French), or you can access our group’s page here.

You can also read:

Past Activities

From 2017 to 2020, I was a research engineer at CEA LIST, in Grenoble, where I worked on “compilation for cyber security”. Main keywords are Side-Channel Attacks, Fault-Injection Attacks, Software counter-measures (Masking, Hiding), Static and Dynamic Compilation.

In the (older) past, I’ve been working on Programming Models and Operating Systems for Embedded and Real-Time Systems. In particular Compilation and Runtime support for Dataflow Programming, Performance Analysis of Dataflow Programs

This activity was mainly run within the CITI lab, Socrate team.

In 2016, I received a COOPERA grant (cooperation program by the RhĂ´ne-Alpes region, link in French), for collaborating with colleagues at EPFL on the topic of performance analysis on NUMA architecture.

Past students



2005 — PhD in Computer Science – Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, FRANCE.

Title: Exploiting Regular Structures and Local Specifications for the Correct Development of Large Reactive Systems.

