Lionel Morel - Teaching
Since September 2020, I’m back at INSA Lyon, where I (again, or still) teach: Operating Systems, Processor Architecture. As of 202-24:
- Together with Christine Solnon, I organize the courses about "Transition Computing", including "Ressources, Enjeux du Vivant, Énergie" and "Enjeux Environnementaux et Sociétés du Numérique".
- Together with Guillaume Beslon, I am in charge of the Computer Organization course, part I and part II, at INSA Lyon’s CS dept;
- together with Guillaume Salagnac, I run a course on Assembly Programming and another one on Operating Systems, as part of the IST (English-spoken) semester, at INSA Lyon’s Telecommunications dept;
From 2017 to 2020, I was on leave from my position at INSA Lyon, to work as a Research Engineer at CEA, in Grenoble. Hence, I was NOT teaching during that period 🙂
From 2007 to 2017, I did most of my teaching at the Computer Science department , INSA Lyon, Université de Lyon.
In the (most) recent past I managed the following courses:
- 2016-17, together with Christian Wolf, I was in charge of the “Computer Organization” course, at INSA Lyon’s CS department;
- 2012-2017, together with Guillaume Salagnac, I run the “Operating Systems” course which is part of the IST Semester organized by INSA for English-speaking students.
Most of my teaching is done collectively, with several permanent researchers working together on the course plan, the tutorial and practical session’s descriptions, the grading, etc. Apart from the course mentioned above, from 2007 to 2017, I was regularly involved in courses including:
- Advanced Operating Systems (see course page), at INSA, run by Kevin Marquet.
- Cloud Computing, at INSA, run by Sara Bouchenak.
- Concurrent Programming, at INSA, run by Guillaume Salagnac.
- Compilation, at ENS Lyon, run by Laure Gonnord.
- Computer Organization (see course page), at Université Lyon 1, run by Nicolas Louvet and Laure Gonnord.
Further in the past, I was in charge (lecturing) of the following course :
I was also involved in the following courses:
- Computer Organization INSA Lyon, by Florent de Dinechin (2007-2015)
- Real-Time and Embedded Systems, INSA Lyon (2007-2011)
- Models of Computations and Concurrency (responsible of the course), within the Master’s degree program in embedded computing, at Åbo Akademi, Turku Finland. 2005-06
- Computer Organization at Université de Grenoble (2001-2005)
- Automatas and Languages (2001-2004)
- …
Note : if you are interested in materials for teaching those topics, please contact me. Right now I’m lazy enough not to dig up my hard-drive to put them here, but I’d be happy to provide any of those if they are useful 🙂